Please note: Tutus Loco worker bees are out of office, and will be back to process all orders on 17 March.


Clicking on the links below will take you through to additional information regarding solitary bees that we have found interesting and useful. Enjoy!

Recent popular articles and websites

Is it a bird? Is it a bee? No, it's a lizard pollinating South Africa's 'hidden flower'

A wonderful South African resource to learn more is @Candideapp and their #PolliNationSA movement. They have some fascinating articles on solitary bees and pollinators in general:

1 | Solitary Bees

2 | Introduction to South African Bees

3 | Why are bees so important?

4 | Bees and Biodiversity

5 | Bee-friendly gardening


Other global articles and sites:

6 | The Wildlife Trusts: Guide to Solitary Bees in Britain

7 | Moray Beekeeping Dinosaurs: Solitary Bees in Britain

8 | Wild bees of Scotland: Identification Guide 

9 | Research Institute of Organic Agriculture: Wild bees and pollination factsheet

10 | The Urban Farm: The future of food - Native bees

11 | Conservation Evidence: Providing evidence to improve practice - Bee Conservation

12 | University of Arkansas: Solitary bees could be more efficient than Honey bees, researchers say

13 | Iowa State University: Conserving bees in a small acreage farm


Two books recommended by the South African Solitary Bee Expert and bee taxonimist Connal Eardley:

1 | The Forgotten Pollinators, by S. Buchmann & G. Nabham (1996) Island Press, USA. 313pp. ISBN 1-55963-352-2/1-55963-353-0
2 | The Reason for Flowers, by S. Buchmann (2016) Scribner, USA, London, Toronto, Sydney, New Delhi, pp 341. ISBN 978-1-4767-5552-6/978-1-4767-5554-0 (ebook).
Other reference books:


1 | Why bees are disappearing, by Marla Spivak

Scientific Publications

1 | Eardley, Connal; Kuhlmann, Michael & Pauly, Alain. 2010. The Bee Genera  and Subgenera of sub-Saharan AfricaABC Taxa Vol.7.
2 | Gous, Annemarie; Willows-Munro, Sandi; Eardley, Connal & Swanevelder, Zacharias H (Dirk). 2017. Pollination: Impact, role-players, interactions and study – A South African perspectiveSouth African Journal of Science, 113 (9-10).